In what is being called the first-ever study of its kind, the Associated Press is reporting that 10% of binge drinkers drove their car following the last time they drank heavily. Half of those drivers report they drove after leaving a bar, restaurant or club. The researchers focused on 14,000 people who were classified as binge drinkers. That was defined as people who had more than five drinks on one occasion in one month. About 12% said they drover within two hours of their binge drinking.
The study was based on a telephone survey conducted in 2003 and 2004 and the researchers believe the results strongly support that there should be more enforcement on the preventing drunk driving by going after those who enable the behavior. States do have laws prohibiting licensed establishments from selling alcohol to drunk customers but enforcement is difficult. Since the survey was conducted, new studies show the number of drunk driving fatalities down nearly 10% from 2007 to 2008.
If you have been charged with a DUI in Tampa or Hillsborough County, please do not hesitate to contact Tampa DUI Attorney Stephen Higgins, Esq. at 1-800-FIGHT-IT (1800-344-4848) to discuss the matter. Also you can contact Stephen in our new Tampa office located at 3426 W. Kennedy Blvd.
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